About Me

This is the most recent picture of me at the Jordan Essentials conference  on July 18th . . .I'm the one on the right for those of you that do not know me.

During the day I am President and owner of our family business,  Dixie Cullen Interests (link in the link section).  We offer industrial storage,  transloading and export containerizing of industrial material, machinery and steel.  In the past 18 months we've moved the business (don't know what I was thinking) and have experienced some wonderful growth.   However that has lead me further into my current situation.    10 to 12 hours days most spent at my desk. . . does not lead for a very healthy lifestyle.

On the lighter side of things I am a Consultant with Jordan Essentials,  in part to save my sanity,  as I need time to unplug, and going home to family is not quite enough,  since I also work with family.   I need to be able to shut that door on work to refuel.  Jordan Essentials has helped me do that for over 12 year.    However I have to say that I have no choice then to remain a representative for Jordan Essentials if for no other reason then to pay for my addiction.  Every time Nancy comes out with a new Catalog I end up with even more additions.

I am also an active member of American Business Women's Association and will be celebrating my 25th Anniversary in just 6 months from now.  I have served on the National Board of Directors as a District Vice President and I have been honored as one of the 2003 National Top Ten Business Women of American Business Women's Association..

I choose this picture of me in part because it was one of the most recent of me that would show my starting point,  but also because Nancy, the founder and CEO of Jordan Essentials has come a long way herself in overcoming health challenges and becoming more physically fit.

Right now a lot of GREAT things are happening at Dixie Cullen (check out our blog) and GREAT things are happening with Jordan Essentials  . . . so no it's time for some GREAT things to happen for both David and I in living healthier lifestyle.   When one of my Jordan Essentials sisters threw out the challenge -- I took up the opportunity to make it official and take ownership of my decision for a healthier lifestyle.   My work history shows that I have staying power,  so I am going to apply this staying power (or whatever you want to call it to my personal life) and take my journey past the initial 100 days of this challenge.

I can be reached at   CathyJELady@gmail.com    Phone  832-465-8670

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