Monday, September 8, 2014

Day 31: Natural Cleansing

Day 31:  Cleansing . . . .

One thing that I learn is that after sweating after my time on the treadmill,  or out at the Range Shooting with David,  I find that nothing makes my face feel fresh and clean like the Spa Polish.  While I use the Gentle Cleanser most days,  I really love the Spa Polish after "sweating".  An added benefit is that it's unscented!

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Day 30 -- A perfect day
What day,  a hot one here in Houston,  I was out at the range with my husband,  and was I ever glad I had my lemongrass spritzer,  kept me from getting eaten up with all those pesky mosquitos.  

Then headed out and met one of my Jordan Essentials Team mates for lunch,  They sat us in front of the TV and put the Football game on for David and the Texans WON!    Then managed to get home in between rain storms!   Now just chilling (texting with teammates),  and now heading to watch a movie with David!   Perfect day (well except for heat)

Saturday, September 6, 2014

Really a little less . . .

I've fallen behind posting to my 100 Days of Healthy,  due to some 12 hour days at work,  not healthy I know.    I'm here at work this morning trying to play some catch up.   I had that "smell in my office"  almost like someone spilled a bottle of perfume.   I'm very careful about floaral scents because most will trigger my allergies.

One of the things that I'm doing today in going over "applications" that my secretary put in my office before she went home (after I left the office).   Finally got around to opening the file folder and  that scent of Floral Perfume exploded in my face.   The person filling out the application filled it out two days ago. . . .  How healthy can this be for the person wearing it?

What this told me is that a person that wears this much perfume,  is not concerned with what it may do to others that they will be working with.

Sent the application to the front office,  I went and applied my Jordan Essentials Headache Herbal Blend,  and now I sit here with a sore throut,  headache and ichy eyes.