Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Day 13: A Major Step for me . . .

Day 13:

Started off as a typical Monday.  into work for 6 am  . . and hit the ground running (matter of speach as most of the day was spent camped out at my desk infront of the computer and on the telephone.   However about 4:30  all was quiet so I used the time to escape and head for home.   We were having left overs for supper so there was no major prep time to get dinner on the table.  David was in the exercise room (yes we do have a make-shift one set up) so I thought  "I have time,  yes I can do it,  and yes the  treadmill is my friend" and off I went to change clothes.

Darn if that treadmill was not still there waiting for me when I changed. . . so I got on and turned on my music and started on 30 minutes.  When David finished on the bike,  he was kind enough to turn all the fans on me so that I could keep going to make it to my 30 minutes!

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