Monday, August 18, 2014

Day 12: Sunday and a massive headache

Sunday was going to be a quiet day with hubby,  slept in a little.  (Nice not to get up at 5am)  Then got a leisurely start to our day,  wend out to eat,  and then it hit me like a sledge hammer.  Headache out of no where.   Think it was the assortment of perfumes and after shaves at the restaurant that brought it on.    Took two Excedrin and no relief,  at that point I knew I was in for one of those all day head aches.   Then I remembered  the "headache herbal blend roll on"  in my purse . . . oh  wait it's in the OTHER purse.  We had to make a couple stops on the way home,  but as soon as we got home I headed straight for my "other" purse.

Relief was quick and  15 minutes later is was barely there.   NEVER AGAIN will I not have my "Headache Herbal Blend" with me.  Even if  I have to keep one in each purse.

On a personal note:  I was reluctant to try it,  because of some of the herbs and I was worried it would aggravate my allergies. . . I am so please do say that is not the case.

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