Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Day 7: How much water did you say?

It's hard to believe with water being one of the easiest drinks for me  to access,  it's also one of my biggest problems.   It's a push for me to drink more than 24 oz of water a day,  let alone 64 oz's that we should have daily.   But I came close yesterday.  

However,  according to Dr. Faith Nelson (back to her essential oils class),  if we want to loose we need to take 1/2 our body weight and that is the number of ounces of water we are to be drinking daily.   All I can say,  is I better start loosing weight so that my water intake is closer to what it should be,  because I don't think that I can consume that much water.

Honestly though,  I am drinking more water,  keeping my water cup in sight so that it reminds me that I need to take a least a sip.  On a personal note I find it a lot easier to drink ice water then I do room temperature water.

I see this little tidbit of information showing up in several different locations and I have it by my desk as a reminder.

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