Saturday, August 9, 2014

Welcome to My personal Journey to 100 Days of Healthy

My weight and my way of life have been a roller coaster ride.  But I'm one of those people that only needs to look at food to have the calories show up.  However with the hours that I put in at work,  I just don't feel like getting up earlier to exercise,  and excerising when I get home does not work,  as I've either been out at meetings or I've got to get supper on the table.  Then I make the mistake of sitting down.  My body just does not want to move after that.

I've known that I needed to do something,  but just never got around to getting serious about it.  I knew that my weight was creeping up, then  when we got back from traveling last month I got on the scale and panicked.  Still not up to my all time high,  but it was definitely creeping up there.   So I knew that I had to do something.

Then it all started to come together.  I attended the essential oils class at the Jordan Essentials Convention,  and was really motivated.  However back at work,  that motivation started to fade away.  Then one of my Jordan Essentials sisters threw down a challenge.  100 Days of Healthy.   For some reason this little challenge has turned out to be the motivation that I needed to get started.   I have already dropped from 283 pounds to 277 pounds.   But I have some pretty hefty goals and dieting will not do it,  nor will just exercise,  it has to be a change to a healthier life style.  So my journey begins.   I promise that future postings will not be this long.

Today is Day 4:  I wanted to sleep in so badly,  HOWEVER I got up and drank my lemon and water (Day 1 Posting),  Saying to myself the entire time of getting ready  "The Treadmill is my friend"  "The Treadmill is my friend"  . . . about 10 minutes into the walk on the treadmill,  I was thinking OH YEAH,  who says the treadmill is my friend!   Well I made it 30 minutes,  actually 33 minutes,  I was into the song on my ipod so I stayed on until finished.  Dripping sweat (but my underarms were still dry from yesterdays application -- so at least I know my combination from Day 2's posting works for me)

Day 3 Posting:   You know the saying,  getting ready to get ready.   One of the side effects of being overweight is the stress that one puts on their knees and mine are no different.  Except over the years I've taken a few spills and my knees have always taken the blunt of the trauma.  So my getting ready was to buy a new pair of sneakers for walking,  I opted for Sketchers with the Memory Foam insoles.   Thought that would with the stress on the knees.

Day 2 Posting:   I shared that like most women,  I am concerned by the number of friends that I have that are fighting the battle of breast cancer.  I used my Secret faithfully for most of my adult life.  Now that Aluminum is known to be a contributing factor to Breast Cancer.  I wanted to make the change.  So I've been using the Jordan Essentials Aluminum free Deodorant for about a year now,  and found that it's working for me,  however since I'm in and out of the warehouse at work all the time,  I needed something just a little more and the All Natural Body Powder does the trick,  I just blot some on after putting the deodorant on, and I'm good

Day 1 Posting:   Well it's time! Actually I decided it was right in Dr. Faith Nelson's Essential Oil trainings that I took at the Jordan Essentials Conference. I've been making little steps, but I am officially deciding to do the #100daysofHealthyChallenge. Today is Day 1. I started the Morning off by following Dr. Faiths Nelson's suggestion that we squeeze 2 lemons into a cup of water, before eating anything.


  1. Impressive! I like the way you got on the treadmill despite not wanting to. I bet you felt good afterwards, right?
    Might sound silly question, but with your knees, have you been to discuss this plan with your GP?
    Keep up the great work!

  2. Great going. I personally feel that it's a nice way to sat healthy. More people should try this challenge.
