Sunday, August 24, 2014

Day 17 -- It's not only exercise but activity

  Day 17:  It's not only exercise but activity

On Day 17  I did a vendor show for a LUPUS fundraising event.  I wanted to support the cause because, it's one of those diseases that is more prevalent in women,  and more research is needed.

Of course there is movement in setting us and tearing down,  but then there is a lot of sitting to.   When I posted this morning for yesterdays activity  I noticed something,  surprisingly different.

My hours of activity were up.  I know that I sit at a desk in front of the computer with the telephone most of the day,  so I expect to have a lower activity rate then most.  However I also was shocked to see just how low my activity tracker shows that I do,  about an hour and a halt to 2 hours and 15 minutes.  Yet I'm exhausted. 

Day 17 set a new record for me (as least since I started #100DaysofHealthy Challenge)  3 hours  55 minutes. . . you see it was not only all the stuff that is normal when setting up for a show, and tearing down.  But we were also getting ready to move the last of our stuff out of my parents garage (won't tell you how long it's been there - but since the last time that we moved) to I had to make room to put it and I was not overly interested in watching the football game that David was watching.  So I've made a promise to keep trying to increase my activity during the week.  Working exercise into the day in short intervals  should be helping to increase my activity level and I'm going to start paying closer attention to it.

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