Monday, September 8, 2014

Day 31: Natural Cleansing

Day 31:  Cleansing . . . .

One thing that I learn is that after sweating after my time on the treadmill,  or out at the Range Shooting with David,  I find that nothing makes my face feel fresh and clean like the Spa Polish.  While I use the Gentle Cleanser most days,  I really love the Spa Polish after "sweating".  An added benefit is that it's unscented!

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Day 30 -- A perfect day
What day,  a hot one here in Houston,  I was out at the range with my husband,  and was I ever glad I had my lemongrass spritzer,  kept me from getting eaten up with all those pesky mosquitos.  

Then headed out and met one of my Jordan Essentials Team mates for lunch,  They sat us in front of the TV and put the Football game on for David and the Texans WON!    Then managed to get home in between rain storms!   Now just chilling (texting with teammates),  and now heading to watch a movie with David!   Perfect day (well except for heat)

Saturday, September 6, 2014

Really a little less . . .

I've fallen behind posting to my 100 Days of Healthy,  due to some 12 hour days at work,  not healthy I know.    I'm here at work this morning trying to play some catch up.   I had that "smell in my office"  almost like someone spilled a bottle of perfume.   I'm very careful about floaral scents because most will trigger my allergies.

One of the things that I'm doing today in going over "applications" that my secretary put in my office before she went home (after I left the office).   Finally got around to opening the file folder and  that scent of Floral Perfume exploded in my face.   The person filling out the application filled it out two days ago. . . .  How healthy can this be for the person wearing it?

What this told me is that a person that wears this much perfume,  is not concerned with what it may do to others that they will be working with.

Sent the application to the front office,  I went and applied my Jordan Essentials Headache Herbal Blend,  and now I sit here with a sore throut,  headache and ichy eyes.

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Day 19: Ice Water

Day 19:  Ice Water

Water is still a problem for me to drink, however I remember from way back when,  when the Doctor told me it was better to drink "Ice Water" as your body had to warm it up to body temp so you burned more calories.   While  my Dad and later in life my husband both poo-pooed the idea.

However I found that it is so much easier for me to drink ice water then it is to drink room temperature water.  So I was on a mission to prove that there were TWO benefits to drinking ice water.  The first and most important was to help me drink more water in a day.    The second was that I would actually burn more calories.  However I wanted to proof it up to the doubting thomas's in my life.  

So I went to the website  and now I have the proof,  that will be sitting in my Husbands email shortly!

For anyone trying to lose weight, this question is an exciting one! If you simply want to know if your body burns calories warming up thewater, the answer is yes. But if you want to know if drinking a lot of ice water can help you lose weight, or keep weight off, this "yes" needs to be qualified with some calculations.
First of all, calories are case-sensitive. There are calories and then there are Calories. Calories with a big "c" are the ones used to describe the amount of energy contained in foods. A calorie with a little "c" is defined as the amount of energy it takes to raise the temperature of 1 gram of water 1 degree Celsius.
What most people think of as a Calorie is actually a kilo-calorie: It takes one Calorie to raise the temperature of 1 kilogram of water 1 degree Celsius. So when you drink a 140-Calorie can of cola, you are ingesting 140,000 calories. There is no cause for alarm, because the conversion applies across the board. When you burn 100 Calories jogging a mile, you are burning 100,000 calories.
So, considering that the definition of a calorie is based on raising the temperature of water, it is safe to say that your body burns calories when it has to raise the temperature of ice water to your body temperature. And unless your urine is coming out ice cold, your body must be raising the temperature of the water. So calories are being burned.
Let's figure out exactly what you're burning when you drink a 16-ounce (0.5 liter) glass of ice water:
  • The temperature of ice water can be estimated at zero degrees Celsius.
  • Body temperature can be estimated at 37 degrees Celsius.
  • It takes 1 calorie to raise 1 gram of water 1 degree Celsius.
  • There are 473.18 grams in 16 fluid ounces of water.
So in the case of a 16-ounce glass of ice water, your body must raise the temperature of 473.18 grams of water from zero to 37 degrees C. In doing so, your body burns 17,508 calories. But that's calories with a little "c." Your body only burns 17.5 Calories, and in the grand scheme of a 2,000-Calorie diet, that 17.5 isn't very significant.
But let's say you adhere to the "eight 8-ounce glasses of water a day" nutritional recommendation. In 64 ounces of water, there are 1,892.72 grams. So to warm up all that water in the course of a day, your body burns 70,030 calories, or 70 Calories. And over time, that 70 Calories a day adds up. So, while you definitely shouldn't depend on ice water consumption to replace exercise or a healthy diet, drinking cold water instead of warm water does, in fact, burn some extra Calories!

Sunday, August 24, 2014

Day 17 -- It's not only exercise but activity

  Day 17:  It's not only exercise but activity

On Day 17  I did a vendor show for a LUPUS fundraising event.  I wanted to support the cause because, it's one of those diseases that is more prevalent in women,  and more research is needed.

Of course there is movement in setting us and tearing down,  but then there is a lot of sitting to.   When I posted this morning for yesterdays activity  I noticed something,  surprisingly different.

My hours of activity were up.  I know that I sit at a desk in front of the computer with the telephone most of the day,  so I expect to have a lower activity rate then most.  However I also was shocked to see just how low my activity tracker shows that I do,  about an hour and a halt to 2 hours and 15 minutes.  Yet I'm exhausted. 

Day 17 set a new record for me (as least since I started #100DaysofHealthy Challenge)  3 hours  55 minutes. . . you see it was not only all the stuff that is normal when setting up for a show, and tearing down.  But we were also getting ready to move the last of our stuff out of my parents garage (won't tell you how long it's been there - but since the last time that we moved) to I had to make room to put it and I was not overly interested in watching the football game that David was watching.  So I've made a promise to keep trying to increase my activity during the week.  Working exercise into the day in short intervals  should be helping to increase my activity level and I'm going to start paying closer attention to it.

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Day 14: Just love this Women's Day article

Day 14:  

Found this link for Women's Day Magazine,  and it's exercises that I can work into my daily routine.  Especially LOVE that they suggest doing it in 2 minutes bites. . . I can do that. . .

Click on each individual picture and it will provide instructions on how to do each exercise.

My husband will tell me,  that it won't work because I'm not getting my heart rate up,  but I'm looking at it,  at least I'm doing activity,  getting out of my chair and away from the computer screen.

As a matter of fact,  I just did one before starting this post!

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Day 13: A Major Step for me . . .

Day 13:

Started off as a typical Monday.  into work for 6 am  . . and hit the ground running (matter of speach as most of the day was spent camped out at my desk infront of the computer and on the telephone.   However about 4:30  all was quiet so I used the time to escape and head for home.   We were having left overs for supper so there was no major prep time to get dinner on the table.  David was in the exercise room (yes we do have a make-shift one set up) so I thought  "I have time,  yes I can do it,  and yes the  treadmill is my friend" and off I went to change clothes.

Darn if that treadmill was not still there waiting for me when I changed. . . so I got on and turned on my music and started on 30 minutes.  When David finished on the bike,  he was kind enough to turn all the fans on me so that I could keep going to make it to my 30 minutes!

Monday, August 18, 2014

Day 12: Sunday and a massive headache

Sunday was going to be a quiet day with hubby,  slept in a little.  (Nice not to get up at 5am)  Then got a leisurely start to our day,  wend out to eat,  and then it hit me like a sledge hammer.  Headache out of no where.   Think it was the assortment of perfumes and after shaves at the restaurant that brought it on.    Took two Excedrin and no relief,  at that point I knew I was in for one of those all day head aches.   Then I remembered  the "headache herbal blend roll on"  in my purse . . . oh  wait it's in the OTHER purse.  We had to make a couple stops on the way home,  but as soon as we got home I headed straight for my "other" purse.

Relief was quick and  15 minutes later is was barely there.   NEVER AGAIN will I not have my "Headache Herbal Blend" with me.  Even if  I have to keep one in each purse.

On a personal note:  I was reluctant to try it,  because of some of the herbs and I was worried it would aggravate my allergies. . . I am so please do say that is not the case.

Saturday, August 16, 2014

Day 11: Be your own kind of beautiful.

It's tough finding time during the week to get back on the treadmill.  I know everyone says  "Oh  get up a 1/2 hour earlier in the morning"  but the alarm goes off at 5 am now,  and I'm into work by 6.   David has been good about exercising after work since he's usually home an hour before me.  But when I get home it's working to get supper on the table, clean up the mess and other things that just need to be done.

It's Saturday,  and am into work trying to play catchup,  but I did do 33 minutes on the treadmill this morning before anything else could change my mind . . .

Friday, August 15, 2014

Day 10: Exhausting week

Wow,  this week just got away from me,  it was an exhausting one at work,  did not get much exercise in,  or even steps so I was feeling like I didn't not accomplish much in my quest for 100 Days of Healthy.  But then I got to thinking that I have made progress.  I'm drinking more water,  not 1/2 my weight in water,  but making progress and paying attention to what I eat. 

Here are some great tips in spicing up the summer grill!

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Day 8 -- Good Stress and Bad Stress

This entire week has been crazy for me at work,  a good crazy  but crazy none the less.  It seems that good crazy bring along stress to.     One of the meetings that I had yesterday was with an old friend,  she had a contract for a company to train one of their new sales people (the owners son) and thought we would be a good first trial run.

We've talked and communicated,  but had not seen each other in a couple of years.  She just couldn't get over how well I was looking.  Not because I was loosing weight,  but that I looked so less "STRESSED".  That got me to thinking that last time I had seen her there was Stress but I still have Stress. . . but then I realized that it was a different type of stress.  Not one that energized me,  but one that drained me.   It might also be the reason I am not getting sick as often as I used to (allergies excepted)

Love these quick tips about how to reduce stress,  all part of my #100 Days of Healthy!

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Day 7: How much water did you say?

It's hard to believe with water being one of the easiest drinks for me  to access,  it's also one of my biggest problems.   It's a push for me to drink more than 24 oz of water a day,  let alone 64 oz's that we should have daily.   But I came close yesterday.  

However,  according to Dr. Faith Nelson (back to her essential oils class),  if we want to loose we need to take 1/2 our body weight and that is the number of ounces of water we are to be drinking daily.   All I can say,  is I better start loosing weight so that my water intake is closer to what it should be,  because I don't think that I can consume that much water.

Honestly though,  I am drinking more water,  keeping my water cup in sight so that it reminds me that I need to take a least a sip.  On a personal note I find it a lot easier to drink ice water then I do room temperature water.

I see this little tidbit of information showing up in several different locations and I have it by my desk as a reminder.

Monday, August 11, 2014

Day 6: Ohhh the day after

Day 6:   Well we had a busy weekend,  reached a new milestone on Saturday then time out at the range with hubby at a practice match,  even if it was in the high 90's.     Ended the evening  enjoying  movies with my husband.  Got up and was immediately reminded that I am out of shape,  and my legs were just  screaming at me . . went and got my Magnesium Lotion,  and had relief.  I'll also be using the lotion tonight to help prevent David's Leg Cramps. . .

Since my focus is on increasing my activity "including exercising"  I thought I would share the Top 5

Sunday, August 10, 2014

Day 5: Activity Tracker

Day 5:   When I started thinking that I needed to do something,  my thoughts were to make 10,000 steps a day.  I used to have a pedometer,  however it went through the wash one to many times . . .  So I decided that I needed to get a new Pedometer,  and could not find the one that I used to use,  but found one from  SYNCACTIVE.  I like it because at the end of the day I can just plug it into my telephone and it posts the steps,  miles,  calories burned, and hours of activity.

I have to admit I was shocked about how few steps I actually take per day,  so I really need to focus increasing my activity.    I have a LONG way to go to reach 10,000 steps a day.   HOWEVER yesterday I reached one of my milestones . . . . I exceeded my goal!

Saturday, August 9, 2014

Welcome to My personal Journey to 100 Days of Healthy

My weight and my way of life have been a roller coaster ride.  But I'm one of those people that only needs to look at food to have the calories show up.  However with the hours that I put in at work,  I just don't feel like getting up earlier to exercise,  and excerising when I get home does not work,  as I've either been out at meetings or I've got to get supper on the table.  Then I make the mistake of sitting down.  My body just does not want to move after that.

I've known that I needed to do something,  but just never got around to getting serious about it.  I knew that my weight was creeping up, then  when we got back from traveling last month I got on the scale and panicked.  Still not up to my all time high,  but it was definitely creeping up there.   So I knew that I had to do something.

Then it all started to come together.  I attended the essential oils class at the Jordan Essentials Convention,  and was really motivated.  However back at work,  that motivation started to fade away.  Then one of my Jordan Essentials sisters threw down a challenge.  100 Days of Healthy.   For some reason this little challenge has turned out to be the motivation that I needed to get started.   I have already dropped from 283 pounds to 277 pounds.   But I have some pretty hefty goals and dieting will not do it,  nor will just exercise,  it has to be a change to a healthier life style.  So my journey begins.   I promise that future postings will not be this long.

Today is Day 4:  I wanted to sleep in so badly,  HOWEVER I got up and drank my lemon and water (Day 1 Posting),  Saying to myself the entire time of getting ready  "The Treadmill is my friend"  "The Treadmill is my friend"  . . . about 10 minutes into the walk on the treadmill,  I was thinking OH YEAH,  who says the treadmill is my friend!   Well I made it 30 minutes,  actually 33 minutes,  I was into the song on my ipod so I stayed on until finished.  Dripping sweat (but my underarms were still dry from yesterdays application -- so at least I know my combination from Day 2's posting works for me)

Day 3 Posting:   You know the saying,  getting ready to get ready.   One of the side effects of being overweight is the stress that one puts on their knees and mine are no different.  Except over the years I've taken a few spills and my knees have always taken the blunt of the trauma.  So my getting ready was to buy a new pair of sneakers for walking,  I opted for Sketchers with the Memory Foam insoles.   Thought that would with the stress on the knees.

Day 2 Posting:   I shared that like most women,  I am concerned by the number of friends that I have that are fighting the battle of breast cancer.  I used my Secret faithfully for most of my adult life.  Now that Aluminum is known to be a contributing factor to Breast Cancer.  I wanted to make the change.  So I've been using the Jordan Essentials Aluminum free Deodorant for about a year now,  and found that it's working for me,  however since I'm in and out of the warehouse at work all the time,  I needed something just a little more and the All Natural Body Powder does the trick,  I just blot some on after putting the deodorant on, and I'm good

Day 1 Posting:   Well it's time! Actually I decided it was right in Dr. Faith Nelson's Essential Oil trainings that I took at the Jordan Essentials Conference. I've been making little steps, but I am officially deciding to do the #100daysofHealthyChallenge. Today is Day 1. I started the Morning off by following Dr. Faiths Nelson's suggestion that we squeeze 2 lemons into a cup of water, before eating anything.